Friday, January 4, 2013

Make Nice with the Mirror

Over the past few days I have been reading many many posts about new years resolutions and life changes people want to make. Nothing wrong with that, except for most it seems like we set ourselves up for failure. Just like most people, I usually make resolutions relating to things like losing weight, cutting out chocolate (ya feel free to laugh, what a RIDICULOUS thought! plus without chocolate I can be a real #$@%^), exercise etc. etc. This year I decided I want to make nice with the mirror instead. What does that exactly mean you say?! I just want to be happy where I am, yet always striving towards living healthier than last year. I am not setting the bar so high, that I set myself up for failure and disappointment. It isn't that I don't have weight loss goals or other fitness goals- I am just setting out small steps/marks and celebrating the small victories as I reach them. I am not going to focus in on what I don't like about myself. I have an 11 year old, beautiful, daughter who is looking up to me and is learning about where her worth comes from and the eyes through which she sees herself- she is learning all that from me. I want her to be able to see the beautiful parts of people, including herself. So, I am not going to beat myself up anymore for all the weight I have gained and I am not going to make any more excuses either. Rather than make resolutions, I am just going to take action day to day. I am going to focus on nourishing (nourish- my word for this year) myself body/mind/spirit. I also want to start back into something active because it makes me happy. Making nice with the mirror means seeing myself through positive, kind, encouraging eyes- because lets face it we our probably the most critical and harsh to ourselves than anybody else is.
"Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." Kahlil Gibran

1 comment:

  1. i think that's a great resolution amanda. being happy with the woman God made you isn't always easy, but when we're at that point it gives the encouragement to strive to take better care of ourselves. funny how when we aren't feeling great about who we are or what we look like than it's a chore to try to feel better. it starts in the acceptance of who we are first.
